Anyone in a far northern area of the world can tell you that when spring comes, most gardeners want flowers and they want them
now. I am no exception, and have planted numerous spring bloomers to make myself happy after a long long
long winter. For those out there like me who have no patience and want some flowers right away, I've listed some of the plants that bloom earliest in my Anchorage area garden.
Iris reticulata 'Harmony' |
Dwarf iris, or
Iris reticulata, is usually the first thing to bloom in my garden, although this year the crocus beat them to it. I have them in my rock garden, and in perennial beds planted underneath hostas. The blooms only last a couple of weeks, but they are so cute I don't much mind.
Arabis caucasica |
Who wants to see more white after a long dark winter when the only color you see is, well...white?? I avoided planting white flowers for that reason for a while, but then started to realize that I really liked them. They don't remind me of winter after all, and they can really make shady areas of the garden look brighter.
This little guy above often has buds on it even before the snow has completely melted off. I have the white variety, but it also comes in pink and purplish, and there's another white variety with variegated foliage. I grew mine from seed and they bloomed their first spring.
Primula denticulata |
I'm quickly becoming a primula addict, and this is one of my favorites. As more buds open up, a ball of flowers forms and pushes up 6-8" above the leaves, which looks very whimsical and Dr. Suess-y to me:
Primula denticulata, late May 2010 |
And as you can see, they come in a variety of colors.
Primula elatior |
Another primrose,
Primula elatior, which generally has buds on it before I can get the leaves cleared off in the spring. This is another super easy one to start from seed, and it blooms for a solid month or more. The one pictured above is just starting to bloom. In a couple of weeks there will be ten times as many flowers on this one plant. They're prolific little suckers!
Chionodoxa forbesii | |
I'm not sure how to pronounce the Latin name of the cute little flower pictured above, so I usually refer to it by the common name Glory-of-the-snow. It's another bulb, and it's so small I use it to under plant other perennials a lot, especially hostas. It also comes in pink and white, but I think the blue are the most vigorous.
Viola spp. |
I know a lot of people don't think much of pansies and violas, being as common as they are, but really...look at that face! It's darling! And they spread so merrily about the garden of their own accord I can't help but let them do their own thing. (A lot of gardeners consider violas to be weedy.) They may tend to grow wherever they please, but they also bloom early, so they're fine by me.
So there's the list of what's blooming in my garden in ultra-early spring. What are you guys growing? What's blooming in your gardens right now?
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